yazoo county connections: paper trail problems + genetic findings

Yazoo Roots

They are laughing again. My ancestors. Perhaps I’m mistaking laughter for their cheering me on, but in either case their presence is heavy these days. And it is rather intense. I can not imagine how anyone can go about pursuing those who have walked before them without quietly holding conversation with them. I find myself whispering into the winds, so that they may hear my soft and gentle pleas for a clue. Maybe, just maybe, they are starting to hear me…

My great grandmother Louise King

My great grandmother Louise King

Mama Ease. She died 11 years before I was born so I never had the opportunity to know her personally. She was my mother’s maternal grandmother. And before she was Mama Ease, grandmother to my mother and her siblings, she was Louise King, born on the 12th of August in 1900 to parents Stark King and Jeannie Gilliam King. Her place of birth was likely in the Enola community of Yazoo County, Mississippi, but I’m not 100% certain. With the exception of one Census year, 1930, the life of Louise was documented very well. Since my mother knew her I know her through my mother’s memories of her. She isn’t much of a mystery. Old family photographs captured her beauty. Oral history provided me with details of her ability to make an exceptionally palatable pound cake. Furthermore, she worked for the famous Tropical Hut restaurant in Chicago as a Cook. One of my cousins who knew her well often describes how Louise would share with her and show her the doughboy uniform of her brother Riley King, who died in WWI. Of course all that was after she left Mississippi sometime in the early to mid-1930’s. No, Louise King is not a mystery, but her parents and their vague ancestral lineage mark the beginnings of my brick walls.

My 2x great grandmother Jeannie Gilliam King

My 2x great grandmother Jeannie Gilliam King

Incredibly little is known about Mama Jeannie or Jeannie Gilliam, so I will describe what I do know – most of which I learned through Census records. Jeannie was born about 1872 in Mississippi. Unable to successfully locate her in 1880, the first true and solid documentation I have is her 20 July 1888 marriage record to spouse Stark King. They married in Yazoo City, Mississippi. By 1900 Jeannie and Stark have established a nice growing family and can be found residing in the Enola Precinct in Yazoo County. In 1910 they’ve moved over the Yazoo County line into Beat 5 of Warren County on Ball Ground Road. From 1920 to approximately 1934 Jeannie and her family can be seen living in the Choctaw community of Shaw, Bolivar County, Mississippi. Like her daughters, whom she had sent away from the Mississippi Delta into Chicago, Illinois, Jeannie later made the bustling city her home during her later years of life. Mama Jeannie perished in 1951 leaving no information behind about her parents. This lack of information has made her difficult to locate prior to her 1888 marriage record despite her uncommon surname.

Stark King on the other hand is a bit of a different story. I can’t begin to describe how much sleep has been lost over figuring out the life of my 2x great grandfather, Stark King. Unlike his wife, Stark can be located on the 1880 Census. It is on this record that I find him living with his mother listed as Nora and his siblings, Mose King, Mary King and (half-siblings?) twins John and Susie Williams. Stark is said to be 17 years old at the time which would place his birth date in the year 1867. He should have been enumerated with his family in 1870, but I’ve had a terrible time in all my attempts to locate them in Yazoo County or surrounding areas. The rest of Stark’s life and his whereabouts for the most part are as clear as day and as follows: 1900 – Beat 1, Enola Precinct, Yazoo County, 1910 – Beat 5, Warren County, 1920 – Beat 5, Bolivar County, 1930 – Beat 5, Bolivar County. He was deceased as of September 23, 1932 in Shaw, Mississippi. Although his daughter, Brucie King Johnson provided names for both of Stark’s parents for his death certificate, I remain skeptical about the John King noted to be his father.

The real trouble I have with my ancestor Stark King lies within his own name. While the last name King was quite common in Yazoo, the first name Stark wasn’t common at all in Yazoo or elsewhere. Strangely enough there is a white doctor by the name of Thomas Stark King residing in Yazoo County as well. This doctor had only one son whom he named Stark King and his son was born a few years give or take from the date of my Stark King. To make matters even worse the white Dr. Thomas Stark King had a wife named Lenora, but she can also be found simply listed as Nora. I did mention that my Stark’s mother was also named Nora too, right? Besides racial designations the only other difference I can establish between the two families is that they were residing on different sides of the county from 1880 onward.

1880_ TS_King

1880 U.S. Census record with the family of Dr. Thomas Stark King


1880 U.S. Census with the family of Nora King and children including my 2x great grandfather, Stark King

So where does the name Stark come from and where am I really going with this? In regards to the name your guess is as good as mine. In regards to every other matter I can’t help to wonder and cling to the idea that the two families could have been connected biologically or other. Dr. Thomas Stark King had a brother named John King who was of the right age to be my Stark King’s father. However, I have very little to support that theory of parentage. I’ve had the kindest volunteers in the world to collect wills and probate records on the white Thomas Stark King family and related individuals. Sadly, those documents did very little in solidifying a connection. My Stark King was listed as a mulatto only on the 1910 Census year and I’m not even sure if his father was white or black. So I’m stuck in regards to paper records here.

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finding your roots: season two preview

Sound the trumpets y’all and come on September. I’m very much looking forward to this new season of the PBS, Henry Louis Gates Jr. program, Finding Your Roots. Based off of this video preview there isn’t an episode I won’t want to see. I’m especially interested in seeing the one with rapper, Nas. His Jones family has roots in parts of Mississippi that my Jones families are from. Could we be related? Who knows? As I’ve already said every episode looks awesome and I can’t wait. Fellow fans of the show, whose family history are you looking forward to most?

make it a priority

Priorities. Gosh, where do I begin? When it comes to managing a genealogical endeavor as a whole it is easy to get off track from some of the more important tasks. I know this far too well. Since my own family tree remains a working family tree there is the never ending need to revisit brick wall lines and research the good old traditional way. That assignment alone can be time consuming. But what about all the other fun stuff and how do I manage to fit it all in?

Lucky for me, I happen to be a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM) at the present, so I tend to sneak in some research here and there or check in on my recent DNA matches at any odd hour of the day. To give you an example of some other projects on my work desk they are as follows:

  • Complete family tree and history books for entire maternal side of the family by September 4th. That’s a total of 12 books.
  • Continue planning upcoming genealogy road trip to Mississippi this October.
  • Research additional DNA software and online tools to assist with making genetic connections. Get my computer up to date with software and learn new software.
  • Review DNA matches for new clues to help with brick wall lines and plot matches in tree where the relationship has been confirmed.
  • Continue to add source information to a number of family members within my tree.
  • Start mapping chromosomes with Kitty Cooper’s awesome Chromosome Mapping Tool.
  • Keep content coming and going for this blog.

With everything I just listed above it sounds more like a job and less like a hobby. Fortunately, I really dig doing all of this and learning about genetic genealogy and tying that into the family history.  So where do I begin? Well there are some things that are obviously on-going, so I need not add any more pressure to those than there already is. I offer this advice to myself and anyone else trying to get their priorities in check. Start with the items that have an immediate deadline. If a deadline hasn’t been set up by outside forces then try to set some for yourself. If one particular project starts making your mind numb, skip to the next item on the list and revisit it at a later time. Perhaps dedicating a day for each exercise may work as well. Monday could be a day for checking in on your DNA matches. Tuesday could be source at least 5-10 people within your tree day. Wednesday could be designated for reading about current software development or any additional genealogy research aid and so on. In my case, once I’ve knocked out the books and road trip planning I think I will designate certain tasks for certain days and hopefully I can make it stick. If you have a tip that you feel works well with staying on task please do tell, because God knows I am personally terrible at keeping my course. Oy!

an introduction and welcome

ancestry_in_progress_logoHere I am. Back again in the blogosphere. For those of you who know me personally you are likely transitioning from my main site/blog adrienne-is to my new home on the web. For those of you joining me for the first time, welcome. Long story short, I started my adrienne-is blog back in 2003. It was a space where I wrote about everything under the sun. Then I started blogging for an AOL owned travel blog and somehow my personal blog started to become a travel blog as well. Suddenly life changed a bit. I got married, had children and lost my voice or my blogging voice I should say.

A few months ago, I was profiled for a Jet Magazine Black History month piece on genealogy. It was such an honor to be included amongst some serious family historians. I was likely included because of my family focused children’s picture book, Isaac and the Bah Family Tree. (You can read more about that under my bio to the right.) Anyhow, each one of us was featured with links to our websites so that readers could follow us for helpful insight for their own roots searches. The problem with my old site was not only did I write very little about my actual genealogy work / hobby, I had pretty much stopped writing completely. I did say I lost my blogging voice, didn’t I? So perhaps I felt a bit guilty having all that traffic pointed in my direction with no genealogy goodies for the readers.

Solution: I found my blogging voice again. With this Ancestry in Progress blog I plan on documenting much of what I’ve already learned along my 10+ years of family research. I’m no expert on any one topic here, but I’ve discovered some valuable nuggets of information over the years. With many of my family lines being trapped 4-5 generations back in the Magnolia State (Mississippi) that is where I will mostly place my focus. I’ll also include my two cents on genetic genealogy, popular television programs related to the topic, relevant articles as well as how I’m preserving my own family history. If that isn’t enough then I may just through in a word or two about building my family tree in real-time (i.e., raising my two little loves). My hope is that you’ll come here and find a something that sparks you to start up your own family research. If you’re a seasoned researcher following along then I hope you’ll help me to maintain my sanity after I’ve yet again gone page by page through a census record with no luck of finding my ancestor. Enough with my chatter.

Welcome and thank you for visiting.

P.S. For those wondering about the site title, I drew inspiration from one of my favorite artists, Zap Mama. Ancestry in Progress was the title of her 2004 album which she described in a way that feels much the same the way in how I view my overall ancestry work. Everything here is a work in progress. My family tree remains a working family tree. When I think about the lives of my ancestors, their struggles — the things they fought to overcome I can certainly see parallels from the past to present. There is still so much work to be done. And having lived a number of places throughout my short time here on Earth, very few environments have provided a true feeling of belonging and being at home. As for the future, it will be very interesting to see the road my descendants walk provided there are any roads at all. Human migration is so fascinating. Perhaps they will have found a way for them to reside in another galaxy! This is my ancestry in progress – Past. Present. Future.