sweet sounds of motherhood

A friend of my mother’s has a son about 10 years in age now. To his mother’s surprise he inquires about the way he used to sound when he was a baby. It was her suggestion that I try to capture some of those sounds. Rather than take a bunch of shaky camera phone video I decided to use the voice recorder to capture gurgles, coos, laughter, crying and song. Oh the sweet sound of family! Here are a few of my family audio files with a brief description included.

Baby coos… I could listen to the cooing and gurgling sounds from my sweet baby boy all day long. Recorded not so long ago, here is one of my little dude cooing.

Behold a perfect of example of my two year old attempting to avoid having to go to sleep. I’m a sucker for mommy / daughter duets, but only after a few rounds of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, ABC’s and Row, Row, Row Your Boat.” In this audio file you will be graced with the voice of one tired mama (me) and my little ladybug singing, “You Are My Sunshine.” Don’t laugh y’all.

In a battle of the “Cry-Yi-Yi” I’m not really sure who beats who. When I was a mother of only one child I thought the sound of a tiny little months old human being was terrible. Now that I am a mother of two awesome human beings I realize how terribly wrong I was. The new kid on the block cries just the same as any other baby to get their very basic needs met. Toddlers, however, cry for different reasons. Reasons I do not understand most of the time, but they are to be taken serious. Don’t want to go to sleep yet cry! Wants to dress themselves cry! Doesn’t want to go to where ever cry! Can’t get the polar bear to stay on top of the mega blocks cry! Oh, those BIG emotions. So for your listening pleasure I have provided some audio of my sweet cherubs letting it out in solidarity. I think this was a bedtime cry for the oldest and a why is she crying(?) from the youngest.

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